There is one thing I always love .. Breakfast ! .. that's right , who doesn't like breakfast. I am always making myself a proper breakfast every weekend because I'm not in a hurry to go to school so I have time to make something I feel great eating it. 

I believe in this quote
'all happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast' 



What are you waiting for ! go make yourself a lovely breakfast and you don't have to worry what time it is , breakfast is an all-day meal you can eat it whenever you want , I personally like eating at midnight :)

Crepes or pancakes? I still don't know what to call these guys. Some British call it pancakes which is confusing me a bit but that's the beauty of language, isn't it? As long as everyone enjoys eating whatever this is called. 

You can make it in many possible ways but today I made simple standard crepes. You can make a sweet one like mine, put some berries on top, spread some Nutella, peanut butter or jam, sprinkle with some nuts or seeds and dust with icing sugar to make it fancy.

Or you can make a savory one with an egg, mushroom, ham ... 
you name it!

I used Entertaining with Beth's crepe recipe


1 cup (120 g) of All Purpose Flour

1 tbsp (13 g) sugar

pinch of salt
2 eggs, beaten well
2 cups (475 ml) of milk
4 tbsp (60 ml) melted butter


1 whisk together the flour, sugar, and salt in a bowl, then pour in the milk and whisk follow with the beaten egg and the melted butter, whisk until all combined. 

2 Using non-stick pan will giving the best result, grease a thin layer of oil using and heat the pan on a medium heat.

3 ladle out 1 ladle of the batter, tilt the pan to swirl the batter around until it completely covers the bottom of the pan. 

4 Once the batter looks dry and the edges begin to turn golden brown, use a long spatula and slide it under the crepe, gently grab it with your hands and flip!

5 cook 1-2 more minute, then top them off with toppings that your heart desire!

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