The Ultimate Nachos

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Final exams are finally over, say goodbye to freshman year and hello to the sophomore year :) let's start the holiday with this ultimate nachos top with loads of toppings. My mouth is salivating as I'm writing this because it was so good. Mexican food is not widely here in Thailand so there are only a few Mexican restaurants in my city. So I think why not making it at home? it's not that complicated. That is the beginning of my love of Mexican food. 

It's quick, it's fresh, it's delicious. What else do I need to explain it's just too good to resist.



500 grams ground beef and ground chicken mixer  ( you can use any proteins you like I just happened to have these two on hand )
1 medium onion
2 clove garlic
1 heap teaspoon chili powder
1 heap teaspoon smoked paprika
1 heap teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 can chopped tomato 
1 teaspoon sugar
salt and pepper

additional: add red chili if you want a little spicy kick in the chili and you can add more spices if you think it's bland :)

heat the medium saucepan with 2-3 tablespoon of oil then add the chopped garlic and onion, cook until it softens then add all the spices, chili powder, paprika and cumin ( you can use store-bought taco seasoning as well ) then add the mixer of meats and cook it until brown. Pour the whole can of chopped tomato and mixing it. let it simmer on a stove for about 30-40 minutes it will become thicker. And it's ready to be served :) 

Pico De Gallo or tomato salsa

2 tomatoes
1 small red onion
1-2 tablespoon oil
1 lime 
salt & pepper 
a handful of cilantro 

Chop tomatoes and red onion into bite-size pieces or big chunks if you prefer ;) then mix them with oil, salt, and pepper to taste and chop the cilantro and add it at the end.

200 grams of nachos( but really, you can use as much or as little )

you can omit the cheese if you want it to be a bit more healthy 

top it with a dollop of sour cream and cilantro as a garnish 

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