2-ingredient healthy cookies

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On my free time, I love to look for a new inspiration to cook or bake on Pinterest. I found this recipe and I thought I give this a try! because it's so easy and requires only two ingredients which I have on hand. 

It sounds very crazy, doesn't it? making cookies with only bananas and oats but it actually worked it's edible (haha) I love it, it's like guilt-free cookies that you can have anytime you want or crave something sweet at midnight like I always do.

2 bananas ( ripe -> has more sweetness because we don't add any additional sugar in this recipe )
1 cup quick-cooking oats 

optional: 1 Tbsp chia seed , 4 Tbsp mini dark chocolate chips 

1. mash bananas until it's mushy. 
2. add oats and stir it until combined ( I added chocolate chips to make it more delicious and chia seed because I wanted to (haha).
3. scoop the mixture about a tablespoon size of the ball and place it on the baking sheet. Make sure to FLAT them because they're not going to spread like normal cookies.
4. bake them at 180C about 6-8 minutes.
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