Rice Krispie Treats

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I love Rice Krispie Treats, but it's quite hard to find in Thailand well it's only available in a big grocery. So I think it would be great to share this recipe even though it is too easy to say its a recipe. But I can assure you that this treat is very addictive and simple to make. Everyone will love these for sure. 

This treat is so good! it's gooey, marshmallowy, chewy, crispy 

To be honest one bar isn't enough for me, it's too good and I can't stop eating them.

You can add anything you want apart from the recipe: You can add nuts, dried fruits, chocolate chips, M&Ms, sea salt, sprinkles ... The possibility is endless! But today I keep it very simple just a drizzle of dark chocolate to cut the sweetness from the marshmallow :)

You will need:

10.5 oz. bag marshmallow 
4 tbsp butter
5 c Rice Krispies Cereal


1. put the butter with the marshmallow in a pan on medium heat until it melts.

2. take the pan off the heat and add Rice Krispie Cereal, stir until the marshmallow glue stick all the cereal bits. (This is when you add the extras ingredients)

3. spray your pan that you want to put the mixer in with a cooking spray or brush it with butter to prevent its stuck in a pan because this stuff is very sticky. I use brownie pan but you can use whatever you want and press it very hard and very compact in a pan. ( butter or spray your hand as well )

4. leave it set about 30 minutes and you can cut whatever shape you want - squares, bars or even use a cookie cutter to cut a cute shape for your kids.

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