I love breakfast. I can eat this meal at any time in a day especially at midnight but sometimes I'm very lazy to prep all the ingredients and it takes quite a time to make pancakes so I look for the recipe that suits my lifestyle and I found this. It requires just a few ingredients and takes no time at all.

These pancakes are so light and fluffy! No one likes dense and tough pancakes

For 5-6 pancakes 


6 oz. or one container of greek yogurt 
( can be flavored if you like )
1 egg
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 cup flour (AP)
pinch of salt 

Optional: fresh mango, coconut flakes, chopped almonds, banana, chia seed and bee pollen

just like I told you, very few ingredients :)


1. stir greek yogurt an egg in a blow until combine
2. add the flour, baking soda and salt in the wet ingredients until it turns to a batter 
3. heat the pan on medium heat and spray a cooking spray or the butter 
4. pour the batter and cook 1-2 minutes when you see lots of bubbles then you can flip the pancake and continue cooking it 1 more minute or until it fully cooked.
5. top them with your favorite fruits or toppings and the must thing to pour on them is maple syrup 

And You're done! how easy was that 

This dish is very simple and easy, it only takes about 15 minutes top which I know many people love this kind of recipe. Quick - Easy - Tasty. it's kind of a fusion dish between Italian and Thai cuisine some of the ingredients you might think that you shouldn't put it in, but trust me it works perfectly!

Key ingredients Thai basil, red chilli, garlic also Oyster sauce and Fish sauce 

Clams ( you can use any kind of protein you want, this dish is very versatile you can put even chicken  or shrimp instead of clams ) 

infusing the oil with garlic and chilli to make it even more fragrance 

put the basil at last to keep the freshness and colour

and voila! you got lunch or dinner in less than 15 minutes

Fettuccini with clam and thai spicy sauce (aka pad kee mao)


120g pasta ( fettuccini ) 
150g pre-cooked clam*
2 tbsp oil 
1 garlic clove 
2 red chilli
2 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tbsp fish sauce

a handful of thai basil


1. cook the pasta in the salted boiling water only 6 minutes 
2. drain it and keep the pasta water about half a cup ( water that the pasta was cooking in )
3. heat the cold oil ( I use coconut oil ) with garlic and chilli ( roughly chop ) *if you don't want it too spicy you can put less chilli or don't put it with the oil but put it after )
4. throw in some clams, it might get a little splash because of the oil and water )*
5. season it with oyster sauce and fish sauce 
6. put in the cooked pasta and a pasta water just a bit 2-3 tbsp to make it comes together and continue cooking it 1 minutes 
7. put the basil and turn off the heat and toss it until it wilted.

* You can use the fresh one and cook it in the pan after you heat the infused oil put a splash of water cover the lid and let it cook until all the shells are open then continue the instruction

it started out with an intense stress from the upcoming exam which is going to be on tomorrow. I woke up early with an intention to go over for this exam but my mind is not focusing on the papers because I'm on Pinterest looking for some inspiration to help clear my head and back to my study and then I found this! BUT I can't make it, I have to study I felt like there is a devil and an angel on my shoulders keep telling me what I should do and finally the devil won.

but after I finished making this I returned to my study ( I swear ) let's hope the result came out good :)

This taco is really light and fresh and healthy as well! and it's very flavourful you get a bit of heat from the shrimps the sweetness and tanginess from the salsa and creaminess from the sauce. 

Bowl of goodness

This salsa is the best salsa I've ever made! it's got all my favorite things in it. it's like an upgrade version of normal and boring pico de gallo salsa. I didn't use jalapeƱo even though it's kind of a must thing to add but I couldn't find it in the grocery store.

serves 3-4 


250 g. shrimps 
2-3 tbsp. taco seasoning
salt and pepper to taste 

1/2 mango
1/2 avocado
1/2 red onion
1 tomato
1/4 red bell pepper
a handful of cilantro 
1 tbsp. olive oil
1/2-1 lime 
salt and pepper to taste

*You can adjust how much more or less of the ingredients depending on your taste and preference*

1 cup greek yogurt 
a handful of cilantro
1/4 avocado

3-4 corn tortillas 

1.for the shrimps, clean and devein them after that coat them taco seasoning salt and pepper. you can either grilled or pan fry them.
2.the salsa, cut all the vegetables in bite size pieces put them in the mixing bowl and season it with olive oil lime salt and pepper.mix it all together.
3.the sauce, blend the yogurt with the rest of the ingredients and voila! 
4. build your own taco in the way you want!

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