The easiest and fluffiest pancakes

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I love breakfast. I can eat this meal at any time in a day especially at midnight but sometimes I'm very lazy to prep all the ingredients and it takes quite a time to make pancakes so I look for the recipe that suits my lifestyle and I found this. It requires just a few ingredients and takes no time at all.

These pancakes are so light and fluffy! No one likes dense and tough pancakes

For 5-6 pancakes 


6 oz. or one container of greek yogurt 
( can be flavored if you like )
1 egg
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 cup flour (AP)
pinch of salt 

Optional: fresh mango, coconut flakes, chopped almonds, banana, chia seed and bee pollen

just like I told you, very few ingredients :)


1. stir greek yogurt an egg in a blow until combine
2. add the flour, baking soda and salt in the wet ingredients until it turns to a batter 
3. heat the pan on medium heat and spray a cooking spray or the butter 
4. pour the batter and cook 1-2 minutes when you see lots of bubbles then you can flip the pancake and continue cooking it 1 more minute or until it fully cooked.
5. top them with your favorite fruits or toppings and the must thing to pour on them is maple syrup 

And You're done! how easy was that 

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